Smile Makeover

A child’s smile is the most precious thing for a parent. But children with bad or decayed teeth develop inferiority complex and stop smiling which affects their overall personality.

Giving a child his innocent beautiful smile back in a painless way is the most priceless thing for me and parents are incredibly happy.

Do not let your child suffer from consequences of bad teeth. Get them fixed as soon as possible so that your child always has a healthy and happy smile.

Presenting here are few of my treated cases where you can see drastic difference in smile appearance before and after dental treatment.

Gropers Appliance after full mouth rehab in Harlin- 4 year old

3 year old treated under Sedation for full mouth rehabilitation.

3 year old with Nursing bottle caries treated under General Anesthesia.

                Nursing bottle caries under General Anesthesia – 2 year old

                                          Fractures tooth treated under General Anesthesia – 4 year old

Nursing bottle caries under General Anesthesia – 3 year old

Pulpectomy and crowns  under General Anesthesia in 3 year old.

                Zirconia crowns  Under General Anesthesia in 3 year old

Composite filling on front teeth.

Strip Crowns Under General Anesthesia 3 year old.

Full mouth rehab Under General Anesthesia – 3 and half year old

Pulpectomy and crowns Under General Anesthesia – 3 year old

 Under General Anesthesia

Pulpectomy and crowns of molars under General Anesthesia – 5 year  old.

4 year old treated under General Sedation for carious teeth with Strip crowns.

Treatment of Mucocele in 9 yr old.

Mucocele treatment with laser

                                                               Mucocele treatment of an Adult patient.

                                               4 Year old treated chairside for full mouth rehabilitation.

                                    Gropers appliance in 4 year old

                                              Strip crowns chair side

                               Amelogenesis Imperfecta 10 year old

Follow up Zara over 6 years 2015-2021.

Posterior Zirconia crowns

Full mouth Rehab of 2.8 year old

Makawi Haneen – 4 years and now 9.5 years

Composite filling

Smile makeover

Fractured tooth due to trauma – Class 1 and Class 2

Some FAQs about Dentistry

What is dental caries?

  • Dental caries (also known as tooth decay or dental cavities) is the most common noncommunicable disease worldwide. But the bacterias causing the disease can spread through kissing and salivary contacts like between parents and children etc.
  • Severe dental caries affects general health and often causes pain and infection, which may result in tooth extraction.
  • Dental caries is an expensive disease to treat, consuming 5–10% of healthcare budgets in industrialized countries, and is among the main reasons for hospitalization of children in some high-income countries even though heathcare is present there. Finding a good dentist is challenging.
  • Free sugars are the essential dietary factor in the development of dental caries. Dental caries develops when bacteria in the mouth metabolize sugars to produce acid that demineralizes the hard tissues of the teeth (enamel and dentine).
  • In many countries, sugars-sweetened beverages, including fruit-based and milk-based sweetened drinks and 100% fruit juices, are a primary source of free sugars, as well as confectionery, cakes, biscuits, sweetened cereals, sweet desserts, sucrose, honey, syrups and preserves.
  • Limiting free sugars intake to less than 10% of total energy intake – and ideally even further, to less than 5% – minimizes the risk of dental caries throughout the lifecourse.
  • Severe dental caries is a frequent cause of absenteeism at school or work. An association between dental caries and undernutrition in children has been reported in some low- and middle-income countries; however, whether this is cause or effect, or both, remains to be determined.

What is a Dental FIlling?

A filling is used to treat a small hole, or cavity, in a tooth. To repair a cavity, a dentist removes the decayed tooth tissue and then fills the space with a filling material. It can be of Glass ionomer cement – mostly used in Children, It can be composite resin restoration or it can be onlay or inlay and even a crown if needed.

What is a dental crown and why is it needed?

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap that restores a decayed, broken, weak or worn-down tooth. Dentists also use crowns to cover dental implants and root canal-treated teeth. Made from a variety of materials, including metal, resin and porcelain, crowns last between five and 15 years with proper care.

In children Pre formed stainless steel crowns and zirconia crowns are available which can be given immediately.